Louis L'Amour

Bantam Leatherette Editions
There are 122 titles in this series.
A very distinctive look to these editions
Louis L'Amour - Bantam Leatherette Editions

Collecting the books

I am no longer stocking, nor selling, books in this series. This page is being provided as a reference for collectors.
Also, I am not able to assist you in valuing nor selling your collection. Check with used/antiquarian book-dealers in your area for this expertise.

The Books

* All books in the series, with the exception of Frontier, are approximately 6-1/4 x 9-1/4 inches. Frontier is approximately 9-1/4 x 12-1/2 inches.
** Rowdy Rides To Glory is such a thin volume, in this series, that neither the title, nor any other markings, appear on the spine. Also, 'Rowdy Rides To Glory' is not officially an actual part of the Bantam Leatherette series. The book was sent, as a premium, to those collectors who had completed their sets through the subscription plan.
122 Titles
The list of 122 titles, shown above, represents the series as I knew it at the end of 2005. As of September 2006, it is my understanding that Bantam has been adding some short story collections to the series. I don't have much information about these; I don't know how many additional books they will publish, nor do I know if these are new stories or if they are reprints of stories published elsewhere in the series. I probably won't update this page any further than the list of the original 122 titles that existed at the end of 2005.
Books in the Sackett Saga, shown in suggested reading order:
♠Sackett’s Land
♠To the Far Blue Mountains
♠The Warrior’s Path
♠Jubal Sackett
♠Ride the River
♠The Daybreakers
♠The Courting of Griselda (short story in 'End of the Drive')
♠Booty for a Badman (short story in 'War Party')
♠Mojave Crossing
♠The Sackett Brand
♠The Skyliners
♠The Lonely Men
♠Mustang Man
♠Treasure Mountain
♠Ride the Dark Trail
♠Lonely on the Mountain

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